GX7016:GENASYS 开关子系统,含 SCOUT 6U 接收器
- 6U PXI机箱,集成有MAC面板SCOUT接收器
- 20插槽6U PXI机箱支持GENASYS开关子系统模块
- 支持4000多路复用引脚连接
- 可以与数字子系统集成时,支持多达288个数字通道
作为GENASYS平台的组件,GX7016开关子系统为板级和系统级功能测试提供了新的高性能,高密度开关阵列。基于6U PXI架构,GX7016集成了模块化开关矩阵和多路复用器架构,支持多达4608个复合I/O引脚。通过高性能内部16线矩阵总线,可将多达128个外部资源连接到任何测试系统的接收器I/O引脚。对于数字测试功能,GX7016的开关子系统可以连接到数字子系统,如我们的GX5960数字子系统,为每个复用的I/O引脚提供混合引脚功能。开关子系统支持多达288个数字通道。
GX7016机箱采用MAC面板6U SCOUT接收器。SCOUT接收器提供可靠和高性能的方法将交换机模块连接到大容量互连接收器,从而最大限度地减少对电缆组件的需求。SCOUT接收机是一种“直通”设计,每个交换机卡提供了一个“无线”连接到接收器连接器—无需电缆线束以及与电缆解决方案相关的可靠性问题。结果是一种低成本,高可靠性和可维护性的系统互连设计。SCOUT的模块化设计还允许使用广泛的接收器连接器,包括高密度,高电流和同轴类型。6U SCOUT接收器可以容纳多达21个连接器插槽,并且在完全填充时可容纳超过8000个连接点。 |
GX7016是一个20插槽的6U PXI机箱,可容纳多达19个开关板卡或仪表卡以及远程PXI总线接口板卡,如MXI-4。除了支持所有的PXI-1资源外,GX7016的背板通过P5连接器提供内部高性能的16通道的模拟总线。每个GENASYS开关板卡都与这内部的总线向量,可以将信号从外部仪器传送到接收器的任何接口。
GX7016的电源系统为755W。机箱的强制冷系统为4个79 CFM的风扇。无论使用多少仪器板卡或开关板卡,这种制冷配置都可以为机箱提供最佳的冷却方案。同时系统还提供了另外的制冷方案,可与机箱内的空气增压相配合,为每个PXI模块插槽提供气流,不需要额外的进出风口。
GX7016机箱具有插槽温度和系统电源电压监控功能,同时还能将每个PXI触发线从一个PCI段编程或映射到另一个。此外,用户编程控制温控功能,实现警告和关机。所有用户的个性化配置可以存储在非易失性存储器中,可以作为用户的默认配置使用。 |
GX7016中,1槽专用于远程系统控制器。可以在2槽中用于PXI Star触发控制器,除此以外,任何PXI或cPCI或GENASYS开关模块都可以使用这个槽位。3——15槽位支持PXI Star触发,任何PXI或cPCI仪器或GENASYS开关模块。16-29槽可以容纳没有Star Trigger或GENASYS开关模块的PXI或cPCI板卡。
GX7016的模块架构可使开关子系统支持更加广泛的配置和功能。GX6032安装在机箱的后面板,是一块矩阵开关模块,可用于输入模拟信号管理。该模块配置为32 x 16矩阵,最多支持32个输入,可连接到GX7016的内部16线总线。 这些模块最多可以系统最多可以支持4个这样的模块。
GX6256 MultiMatrix™开关卡支持信号从内部背板连接到接收器接口,该开关板卡是一个扩展的6U PXI模块,可直接连接到接收器接口。该模块结合了16x16矩阵和16个2:16多路复用器。 结果是可以支持来自16线总线的多达256个复用信号的开关卡。 另外,还包括辅助总线,提供将2个资源路由到复用组内的每组16个I / O引脚的能力。GX6256还支持为16个输入/输出中的每一个选择模拟或数字资源(GX5960数字子系统)。
对于更高性能的模拟开关应用,GX7016可配置GX6192 HF MultiMatrix™开关卡,该卡组合了16x16矩阵16个1x12多路复用器,在接收器接口上提供总共192个高性能I/O引脚。HF资源通过外部连接器直接连接到GX6192。此外,信号可以通过系统的内部16线总线连接到/从HF开关卡到系统中的其他开关卡。 |
这两个软件包都包含32位/64位DLL驱动程序库和文档。虚拟面板可以使用此外,还提供了一个API,它支持各种编程工具和语言,如ATEasy,Microsoft®Visual Basic,C#和C/++,LabVIEW和LabWindows/CVI等。
- GENASYA开关子系统
- 自动化系统测试应用
- 高IO计数,混合信号测试应用
The GX7016's Slot 1 is dedicated for the remote system controller. A PXI Star Trigger controller, any PXI or cPCI instrument or a GENASYS switching module can be used in slot 2. Slots 3-15 support the PXI Star Trigger, any PXI or cPCI instrument or a GENASYS switching module. Slots 16-20 accommodate a PXI or cPCI instruments without the Star Trigger or a GENASYS switching module.
Switching Subsystem
The modular architecture of the GX7016 allows the switching subsystem to support a wide range of configurations and capabilities. Input analog signal routing is supported by the GX6032, a matrix switch module which is located on the rear of the chassis. This module is configured as 32 x 16 matrix and supports up to 32 inputs which can be connected to the GX7016’s internal 16 wire bus. Up to (4) of these modules can be supported by the system.
Signal routing from the internal backplane to the receiver interface is supported by the GX6256 MultiMatrix™ switch card which is an extended 6U PXI module with direct connection to the receiver interface. The module combines a 16x16 matrix with (16) 2:16 multiplexers. The result is a switch card that can support up to 256 multiplexed signals from the 16 wire bus. Additionally, a secondary bus is included, providing the ability to route (2) resources to each group of 16 I/O pins within a mux group. The GX6256 also supports the ability to select an analog or digital resource (GX5960 digital subsystem) for each of the 16 inputs/ outputs.
For higher performance analog switching applications, the GX7016 can be configured with the GX6192 HF MultiMatrix™ switch cards which combines a 16x16 matrix with (16) 1x12 multiplexers, providing a total of 192 high performance I/O pins at the receiver interface. HF resources are connected directly to the GX6192 via an external connector. In addition signals can be routed to / from the HF switch card to other switch cards in the system via the system’s internal 16 wire bus. |
The GX7016 is supported by two software packages: GxChassis to monitor and control the chassis and GxSW to control and display the switching connections. The GxChassis Virtual Panel can be used to interactively set /display shutdown and alarm conditions based on defined temperature levels, set the PXI trigger lines and control the fan speed and monitor the power supply voltage. The GxSW Virtual Panel can be used to interactively connect, disconnect and display the switching connections, perform BIT, view relay usage count and more.
High level switching software - SwitchEasy allows you to display, control and manage overall signal routing and provides end to end signal routing by having the user simply define the resource and receiver pin or UUT connections, simplifying overall application development and deployment time.
Both software packages includes 32/64-bit DLL driver libraries and documentation. The virtual panel can be used to In addition, an API is supplied that supports a variety of programming tools and languages such as ATEasy, Microsoft® Visual Basic, C# and C/++, LabVIEW, and LabWindows/CVI and more.
- GENASYS switching subsystem
- Automated system test applications
- High I/O count, mixed-signal test applications
Knowledge Base Articles pertaining to GX7016
White Paper: PXI-Based, Advanced Switching Architecture for Functional Test
This white paper describes the advantages of leveraging the 6U PXI architecture and employing advanced signal routing topologies to create modular, high performance switching subsystems. Read more...
White Paper: PXI-Based, High Performance, High Density Switching Architecture
This paper reviews current switching architectures employed today and discusses the benefits / limitations of current COTS offerings. Read more...
White Paper: PXI-Based, Functional Test Solutions for Legacy and Next Generation Test Requirements
For both legacy and next generation test requirements, the PXI architecture offers a robust set of capabilities for performance mixed-signal test applications. By combining the capabilities of a performance digital subsystem (GX5960) with the flexibility of the GX7016 switching subsystem, the GENASYS platform provides all of the capabilities needed to address both legacy and future test needs. And with the modularity of these subsystems, end users have the option to configure these systems with moderate to high pin counts and with a wide range of instrumentation. The GENASYS platform and its subsystems has wide applicability for both factory and depot applications – solving both the legacy and future test needs for high value, mission critical products. Read more... |
Downloads for GX7016
GX7016 Data Sheet
GX7016 Switching Subsystem (GX6192, GX6256, GX6864) User's Guide
GXSW (GX6xxx, GX7016) Read Me
GXSW (GX6xxx) Software
GxChassis (GX7000, GX7100, GX7200, GX7300, GX7600 series) ReadMe.txt
GXChassis (GX7000, GX7100, GX7200, GX7300, GX7600 series) Software
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Products similar to GX7016
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