CAN、CANopen 和 Ethernet POWERLINK培训
SYS TEC is offering a wide range of hands-on trainings. The program covers a wide range of topics in the field of automation technology.
The training sessions provide comprehensive theoretical and practical knowledge about daily interactions of our coaches with industrial communication technologies. The treatment is based on prior knowledge and the goals of the participants and ensures an efficient placement of the respective contents.
Of course, these trainings can also be held in-house with regard to your specific requirements and priorities.
Available SYS TEC Workshops
CANopen Introductory Workshop
The CANopen Introductory Workshop provides a detailed overview on the basics of CANopen communication and networks. 详细 >
CANopen Adaptation Workshop
The CANopen Adaptation Workshop provides a comprehensive overview on the architecture of our CANopen stack and its interfaces. 详细 >
openPOWERLINK Workshop
Become an openPOWERLINK expert! This workshop offers a professional and efficient introduction to openPOWERLINK. 详细 >